Where We Work

Grants Awarded:


Local Partners:


Direct beneficiaries:




Total Investment:


Preventing the Unthinkable

Among initiatives that GCERF funds are training courses designed to alert participants to the early warning signs of radicalisation to prevent violent extremism. The idea is to give parents, community leaders and peers the tools to identify when a person is at risk and the confidence to intervene.
Programme Countries

Programme Countries

<span class="dl-green-color">Bangladesh</span>


Shifts in recruitment tactics continue to present a challenge with recent violent extremist attacks perpetrated by educated, urban, middle class youth.
<span class="dl-yellow-color">kenya</span>


Al-Shabab claims responsibility for almost all terror attacks in Kenya. ​The porous border between Kenya and Somalia makes those living in neighbouring counties especially vulnerable to violent extremism.
<span class="dl-pink-color">Kosovo</span>


The rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters is a top priority for the Government of Kosovo in the prevention of violent extremism.
<span class="dl-green-color">Mali</span>


Security remains fragile in the face of continued attacks by armed groups on civilians, UN peacekeepers and the Malian army.
<span class="dl-pink-color">Nigeria</span>


 History of hostility is a structural driver of recruitment and radicalisation to violent extremism. Conflict between farmers and herders has exacerbated religious divisions and encouraged violent extremist narratives.
<span class="dl-yellow-color">Philippines</span>


A lack of economic opportunity and disunity among communities in Mindanao has allowed groups like ISIS and Abu Sayyaf Group to justify attacks on military and civilian targets.
<span class="dl-pink-color">Tunisia</span>


Despite a restructure of its security apparatus, violent extremist groups continue to operate and to threaten Tunisia’s stability with the movement of arms and terrorists from neighbouring countries.
Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace, Justice and Strong Institution

Peace, Justice and Strong Institution

(SDG 16)
Poverty Reduction

Poverty Reduction

(SDG 1)
Quality Education

Quality Education

(SDG 4)
Gender Equality

Gender Equality

(SDG 5)
Economic opportunity

Economic opportunity

(SDG 8)
End Inequality

End Inequality

(SDG 10)
Innovative Partnership

Innovative Partnership

(SDG 17)

These goals are based on those set forward in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015

Headlines Making Changes

Headlines Making Changes

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Global Footprint

Global Footprint

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Mediating Conflict in Nigeria

“My mentality was always that revenge is the right response to violence and conflict. Now I know that revenge will lead to more violence and misery. I have learned to forgive and mediate in conflict situations.”
– Youth participant from Plateau State, Nigeria

Short and Long Terms Impacts

GCERF funds economic empowerment initiatives such as vocational training that can serve as an immediate diversion from violent extremism. In parallel, GCERF invests in capacity-building for grant recipients to leave a lasting change in the community. GCERF offers training in financial management, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation and preventing violent extremism, among others.

Become a GCERF Partner Country

GCERF works in countries where there is a demonstrated risk of violent extremism and where a direct investment in local NGOs can have a positive impact. To determine this, GCERF follows rigorous processes that include the launch of an in-country needs assessment to understand the local drivers of radicalisation to violent extremism, and a formal request for intervention. The formal request must come from the highest PVE or counter-terrorism entity of the national government. GCERF’s Governing Board then assesses the request, taking into consideration funding availability, need, risk and potential impact.