The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) is the global fund dedicated to preventing violent extremism. We connect local communities to global resources, supporting grassroots initiatives that are typically out of reach for international donors and helping them thrive.
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The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) is the global fund dedicated to preventing violent extremism. We connect local communities to global resources, supporting grassroots initiatives that are typically out of reach for international donors and helping them thrive.
The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) is the global fund dedicated to preventing violent extremism. We connect local communities to global resources, supporting grassroots initiatives that are typically out of reach for international donors and helping them thrive.
Where We Work

Where We Work

Our Process

Our Process

<span class="dl-pink-color">1.</span> Identify communities

1. Identify communities

Working with local partners to identify the communities most vulnerable to violent extremism.

<span class="dl-yellow-color">2.</span> Find and fund organisations

2. Find and fund organisations

Finding community-based organisation at the grassroots level that are capable of delivering local initiatives, and then utilising a global network to fund those with potential to grow and scale.

<span class="dl-green-color">3.</span> Build Capacity

3. Build Capacity

Unlocking local potential by building organisational capacity to ensure crucial skills and knowledge evolve in the early stages of development.

<span class="dl-blue-color">4.</span> Connect with partners

4. Connect with partners

Connecting local partners to national governments foundations, and businesses to further scale initiatives.

<span class="dl-green-color">5.</span> Monitor Progress

5. Monitor Progress

Striving for long-term sustainability with regular follow-ups and check-ins. GCERF uses this knowledge to enrich a global understanding of how to strengthen community resilience.

A Snapshot of GCERF's Success

Promoting Peace
“Now, when there is conflict, I go and meet my neighbour to ask what we can do to resolve the issue. Whoever does not appreciate peace has never seen war. The skills she learned at the camp have improved both of our lives.”
– Mother of Peace Camp Participant, Nigeria
Reasons to Invest in GCERF

Reasons to Invest in GCERF

Guiding Global Funds to Local Hands

Guiding Global Funds to Local Hands

A flexible funding model allows GCERF to engage a spectrum of development, humanitarian, and security actors. GCERF is ODA-eligible.

Country Ownership

Country Ownership

National governments express their interest prior to becoming a GCERF partner country and actively participate in grant making.

Responding to Local Needs

Responding to Local Needs

GCERF responds to drivers of violent extremism, specific to each location. GCERF grants support community-based organisations — many of which have not received international funding previously. GCERF aligns local responses with national priorities for preventing violent extremism, in coordination with governments and private-sector partnerships.



GCERF grant management processes enhance the capacity of grant recipients to build long-term community resilience to violent extremism and to improve access to international donor funds in the future.

Gender Responsiveness & Youth Leadership

Gender Responsiveness & Youth Leadership

GCERF supports local communities to empower women, men, girls and boys to address drivers of violent extremism. Primary beneficiaries are young men and young women, aged 15 to 35, who are elevated as agents for positive change in communities vulnerable to violent extremism.

Setting International Standards in PVE Grant Making

Setting International Standards in PVE Grant Making

GCERF is an innovation hub for sharing good practices, lessons learned, and recommendations for preventing violent extremism. GCERF advances evidence-based policies and programming.

Burden Sharing

Burden Sharing

GCERF reduces donor exposure through a multi-stakeholder model which is led by local partners who are part of the communities they serve.

Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

With a specific focus on peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16), GCERF-funded activities also support poverty reduction (SDG 1), quality education (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), economic opportunity (SDG 8), and aim to end inequality (SDG 10). GCERF is an example of an innovative partnership (SDG 17).

Our Partners

Our Partners